Marine Environmental Monitoring — Wales
If you find a live stranded cetacean or marine mammal…
or Welsh Marine Life Rescue (WMLR) on: 01646 692943
or British Divers Marine Life Rescue (BDMLR) on: 01825 765546.
If the animal is dead then contact The Cetacean Strandings Investigation Programme (CSIP) on:
The National Strandings Line: 0800 6520333.

Whales, dolphins, porpoises.

Common seals, grey seals

Marine turtles

Other Species
All sharks, including large bodied sharks like Basking Sharks

About CSIP
We coordinate the investigation of all whales, dolphins and porpoises (collectively known as cetaceans), marine turtles and sharks that strand around the Welsh and English coastline.
As well as documenting each individual stranding, we also retrieve a proportion for investigation at post-mortem to allow us to establish a cause of death. The data and samples collected during the course of our research have also facilitated a large number of international collaborations, which have addressed a wide range of scientific questions.
Why Report?
Thanks to the data we have collected we have been able to prove that deep diving Cetaceans can suffer with the bends due to coming to the surface to quickly when scared by loud noises.
The reports we receive help create a better understanding of the species we have in the waters around the Welsh coastline.
The data we collect helps research all around the would creating a safer environment for all marine life.
Due to the evidence, we have collected we have been able to change the fishing habits of the commercial fishing industry.
The Cetaceans we collect not only help with scientific research but also help train the next generation of vets and marine biologist.
The research we do helps shape future policy around the protection of marine life and the wider environment.